McKeesport, PA – Penney Eye Care is excited to announce they will be holding their annual Penney Eye Care Holiday Fundraiser to help make the holidays brighter for a local…
McKeesport, PA – Penney Eye Care is excited to announce they will be holding their annual Penney Eye Care Holiday Fundraiser to help make the holidays brighter for a local…
McKeesport, PA – Penney Eye Care, located in McKeesport, is working to brighten the holiday season by donating proceeds from each eye exam and eyeglass purchase made in December to…
McKeesport, PA – Dr. Rachel Penney, O.D., is celebrating the grand opening of Penney Eye Care, located at 722 Long Run Road in McKeesport, PA, on Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2016…
Currently accepting vision plans VSP, VBA, Davis, Eyemed, Envolve/UPMC for You, and NVA. If you do not have vision insurance, we can often bill your medical insurance such as Medicare, Aetna, UPMC, Highmark, etc. Please contact us with any insurance questions.